rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)


I got it from my LFS but I know sites that have them...I'm just unsure of the fitting size as I went to my LFS and used their cube to figure out the fitting size.
If you can't find any...e-mail me and I can e-mail you some links that would have them, if you want one that's exactly like mine it cost me $13 and I can just go and get you some and mail them to you at cost (I will scan the receipt for you if you want :) )...I go there often so it wouldn't be a bother.


Thanks a lot for the help and the offer. I will check the lfs first and let you know. are you using the stock pump?


Yes, but I ordered a MJ 606 for it...might upgrade it to the Rio 1400 since it has that splitter.


that splitter is a great idea, now i dont need an extra ph. I still need some help on my lighting situation in my nano.


I also have an overflow set up that I haven't done yet...but the top part of my intake has teeth on it...I will actually have to use epoxy to block the stock grids so that it forces the water to the teeth that is on top of it...thus reducing the amount of water in the 1st chamber...letting the water actually "fall" into the sponge allow me to grab more debris and also increasing the O2 in my tank.
What kind of lighting problems are you having?


not problems i guess, just not enough. I have the older style nano w/24 watt 50/50. I was wanting to put another 24w retrokit but nobody seems to stock them. I am only going to keep some simple soft corals.


New Member
i am tryin to set up a nano tank and did some research and found some bads and good about the nano cube. rbaby i was wondering if you had any problems with your nano cube ? tempted to get the nano cube deluxe but not sure if i should :nervous:


Mike I think it's a great starter cube for beginners and experts alike. I am personally in love with it...stock on the cube you will run into a good amount of problems such as lack of water flow, insufficient lighting spectrum and bad surface film. I have fixed all of these issues by getting the customized mod that has beefed up lighting, ugpraded the pump to a Minijet 606 with dual nozzle and also did an overflow mod...
An overflow mod: Just grate teeth on top of the grill...and cover the grill. This forces the water OVER the grill and through the teeth you just made and rids yourself of surface film...the water levels in each chamber will now differ because of the mod and water will actually now just fall right through the sponge...allowing yourself to catch more debris.
I also am now running a HOT Magnum once a month to clean out any debris that builds up every month...kind of like a vacuum for a house...you take it out when you need it. I will post more pics in the coming days and hopefully it will help shed some light as to some possibilities you can keep your cube better than JBJ intended.
But personally I think if you have the space, you should just get a tank that isn't so all-in-one. Maybe those open-top ones, a 15 gallon with a 70w MH and some actinics. I just love how compact the cube is...and because the space on my desk is so limited, I really enjoy it even more that it accomodates my space limitations. Also...my tanks need to have hoods...I have a VERY curious cat who fancies my clownfish.


New Member
thanks a llot. yeah i dont really have much space i live in condos so i just wanted a lil piece of the sea :happy: i was wonder how long you had yours set up for now without any problems with all the mods done? and i was wondering how you said you got your cube from a guy that custom makes it? so is their any diff between yours and the company one? and also if im going to do all does mods should i just get the reg cube or the deluxe? if i can save money it be nice :D thank you very much


i was wonder how long you had yours set up for now without any problems with all the mods done?
The tank has been set up for a little over 2 weeks now. Still continuously adding to it...ordering an auto-top off and li'l gadgets. Just recently upgraded the stock pump to a Maxijet 1200 too.
and i was wondering how you said you got your cube from a guy that custom makes it? so is their any diff between yours and the company one?
He does not custom make a nano cube, he takes the nano cubes that JBJ makes and modifies the lighting so that you have more lighting. It's the same cube JBJ makes, it's just that he retrofits extra lighting in there for you. Instead of the 24 or 48 watts that JBJ offers, he made my hood hold 126 watts.
and also if im going to do all does mods should i just get the reg cube or the deluxe?
The deluxe is definitely worth it in my opinion...the double wattage is really worth the extra money for the Deluxe...I recommend the deluxe. The only mods that you would really do to it is the overflow mod which would cost you nothing really...some plastic, some silicone and a file if you don't have any power tools.
If you plan on doing a Do-It-Yourself lighting upgrade then I say go for it and get the regular...but if you want to keep just shrooms and some zoos then the deluxe would be better with no lighting modifications. But for the diy-inept people like myself...having someone else do it is just the only way we can get anything done =P...


New Member
eheh thank you. i was wondering one more question i know theres that 1st gen. deluxe and now that 2nd gen? which one would be better? found a site selling the deluxe 1st gen for 140. any diff in the two?


1st generation seems to have issues with heat...according to my friend the general raise in temp with 1st generation hoods were from 4-6 degrees. Plus...where the fans are, it is covered by a black plastic encasing that really just takes up a lot of space.
The 2nd generation hoods are WAY better...because not only is cooling lessened to 1-2 degree increase, it also has the rear plastic encasing for the fans as clear...which allows you to put a sump light if you wanted to. This will allow you to grow macro algae in the compartments if you wanted to.


My newest addition...my tank is starting to get some color but I'm refraining from posting full tank pics as of yet. Here is a macro shot of my newest Yuma...
This is a macro taken by the owner, I'm really bad at taking pictures and couldn't nearly show off its colors like this when I tried, so I have yet to take lessons lol...looks beautiful in real life, but whenever I take the pic it just doesn't show the colors at all...
I also now have a beautiful hammer...neon green base with purple tips...and a pink coco worm with yellow edges. I also got a tricolor ricordia which I accidentally ripped apart..oops, but it's pretty...slowly but surely it's coming to life. I have a favia coming and some safecracker zoos too...