rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)


Active Member
Dude!!?? How do you get your sand to stay sooooo white? I need to know!!
-Adam:happyfish javascript


Active Member
I was just also curious about how you are supposed to vacuum a sand bed because the grains are sooo small that they just get sucked up to...this is more of a question 4 anyone that knows...so if any of you do---PLEASE let me know!!
-Adam :cheer:


I didn't dump my whole 20# bag in there, I keep about 1-2 lbs...dead or what not in my cabinet...and I also do a lot of manual stirring when I'm doing my water change.
My water change is as follows...
I hook up the HOT Magnum, fill it up with water...(usually will take up about 5% of my total water volume)...let it rip for 30 minutes. Take a barbecue stick or a chopstick and stir the sand a bit...let debris loose and allow the HOT to pick it up.
When there's a lot of debris and/or algae I take a siphon tube and siphon it out...put a little of my reserve sand in. Easy :)...
I also have 3 active Nasarrius snails who like to dig into my sandbed and ruffle up the sand.
Still having a problem with green hairy algae as none of my clean up crews clean it but I will squash it out of my tank...just wait and see lol :)


New Inhabitants:
All very small frags, but all just as loveable:
1 acan lord head
1 Red Center/Purple Rim Favia Frag
Coco Worm
2 Tricolor Ricordias
1 Safecracker Zoos (not open yet--)
These pic is of my coco and my rainbow yuma...


One of my tricolor ricordias...I accidentally split it in half and traded the other half for another tricolor, it's recovering well...


My acan lord...1 head which I will dutifully feed everyday :)...was slightly damaged on the fragging but was assured that it will make a speedy recovery.


Also, my moonlights broke so I got new ones, they're 3 LED lights...I like 'em better than the old ones.



rbaby great cube. I am just cycling a 24 gal and would like to upgrade the lighting (see e-mail) Also I like the overflow idea, I am going to do that ASAP. Is there a problem with doing that with water in the tank.ie. plastic shavings. This will probably sound stupid, but why the pump in the first chamber? I am kind of a newbie:notsure: and want to start this nano the right way. Not the way I started my 12 gal Cube. Also in the process of revamping that fiasco

Thx and again great job


I recommend you use silicone to tighten it down and let it cure for 24 hours--so try to do the overflow PRIOR to putting anything in your tank...otherwise your options are very limited as to how you can do it...but it is doable with it already stocked.