
New Member
Does anyone out there have anemones in a 12g Nano Cube if you do how is it doing. I want to know if the lights are fine.


what if you had 50 watts of 50/50 PC lighting in a 12 gallon nanocube? would any kind of anemone be ok with that?


Active Member

Originally posted by thederek
what if you had 50 watts of 50/50 PC lighting in a 12 gallon nanocube? would any kind of anemone be ok with that?

Majano, aptasia, and a few others that don't come to mind. No hosting species like an RBTA though. 12 gallons isn't enough water volume to keep the tank stable anyways IMO.


New Member
Just to let you guys now i have my RBTA in my nano cube and its doing fine. It found its perfect spot and is trying to get as close to the light as he can. The lights are fine but the water quailty might be a promblem later on. I had to move him off of a rock after getting pinced on accident when i was cleanin my mag cleaner knocked the rock ritght into is foot. He surivied that and is still eating healty i will let you guys now if i have future promblems.


Active Member

Originally posted by UpInSmoke
The lights are fine but the water quailty might be a promblem later on.

24 watts is not enough lighting for an RBTA long term.
How long have you had it?