RBTA care

barry cuda

Having upgraded to MH lighting in our 100g, I'm considering trying to keep a RBTA. I'd like to get a better lock on their care requirements before I risk an animals' health, however. What specifically are the crucial water parameters for anemones?
Nitrates in this tank tend to hover around 15 ppm...trying to get this down. It hasn't been a problem for fish, and the xenia seem to thrive on it, but is this going to cause a problem for an anemone? I also have low alk (about 6 dH) and Ca is very high (555 mg/l). I just started testing these so I don't know the history, but I suspect this tank has always been that way. I'm told Oceanic salt tends to give high Ca levels. I'm finding pH is right around 8.2 at lights out, and 8.0 or slightly below in the morning. I haven't had measurable ammonia or nitrites in months.
Obviously, I'm trying to get the nitrates down and get a better alk/Ca balance going. Would these conditions be sufficient for an RBTA or do I need to improve the water quality further first? I feel pretty confident my lighting is sufficient. I have a 250W MH pendant over one end and 4x65W PC over the other. The PCs are being replaced with another MH pendant in the next few months.


Well... In 4 years I can tell you my BTA's have taken some punishment, but I've never lost one.
Turned wet/dry off for about 18 days once, Nitrates went to 25-50.
Fish death (chriomis) body unrecoverable, they handled the small spikes just fine.
Massive dKH problem = 95dKH water change from a bad IO bucket. BTA's survived, but I lost all snails, crabs and shrimp in minutes.
Went 2 months without water change once, they survived.
And a multitude of chemistry problems.
I will say that as BTA's they are pretty hardy and can forgive some sins made by the aquariusts, however the RBTA seems to be less forgiving and a bit touchy.
Beth had one, Kip had one, both of them had problems with them and both are very experienced/knowlegable hobbiests.
I'd say go for it, but look for an aquacultured RBTA if you can. Then send me its first clone :D

barry cuda

No worries there - I will not buy a wild-caught anemone. There's no reason to take one out of the wild. I think I can get an aquacultured one from our local club members without much trouble, as there was a group order not too long ago with the intention of establishing a stable base for the club to provide splits.


Massive dKH problem = 95dKH water change from a bad IO bucket.
Sorry for my ignorance about this Thomas...but what is an IO bucket? Is that an Instant Ocean salt bucket?


Yep :yes: A brand new bucket of Instant Ocean, a bad mix, a deadly mix.
I had several postings about it if you wish to look them up. Just use Instant Ocean and my user name to find them.


wow...that was quite an eye-opener....never had tested a new salt can .... will have to be cautious in the future....thanks for the heads up.