RBTA price $500?


how much do RBTA usually go for? i live in central cali and only 1 LFs has ever had them but the guy will only sell them for $500. they are about 8" across and he has a tank full of them but $500 seems steep! does that price sound right??????????????????


Active Member
Not even close. Fish stores around St. Louis sell them for as little as $40, but usually more like $65. With some internet searches for locals selling them I'm sure you could find one for $50 or less. We often have locals selling them for only $20-30.


$500 is ridiculous! You can get a small one for $40+-. A large one would have to be titanic-sized to be worth $500! The only issue is that it's not easy to find RBTAs that are healthy and perhaps his are in good condition. But $500 - no way!


talk about putting the screws to someone ! He is looking to make a KILLING off those... What a rip off..... Ask him where he plans to go for his vacation trip. It must be a expensive trip..


Ive got about 15 of them in a tank they keep spliting. Theyre already promised out but Id ship u one for way way less than that. I normLLY SELL THEM FOR BETWEEN 35 & 50 DEPENDING ON THEYRE size or we could trade something. ***)


Originally Posted by eyebedam
Ive got about 15 of them in a tank they keep spliting. Theyre already promised out but Id ship u one for way way less than that. I normLLY SELL THEM FOR BETWEEN 35 & 50 DEPENDING ON THEYRE size or we could trade something. ***)

Hey Eyebedam, I got that pic up with the Finnex Light fixture. under the reef section...I put it under my new 20 gallon.
Next time you have an anenome split let me know I will trade ya something. I made some space in my 24 nano.....


Active Member
dont by that for 500 dollars , that is ridiculous i got mine for like 34.99 and it was about 10 inches across and acctually split like a week after being in my tank ..... if you look at rbta on swf it is a fraction of 500


Active Member
The price depends on where the RBTA is from. The ones from china are the ones that usually go for up to 50-60 bucks. The wilds can go for 150 or sometimes more. But no matter where his where collected, 500 is still a rip off.


yeah it is pretty crazy for 5 bills. it is my bro who wants one and he willing to pay that much for it!!!!!!!!!!!i try to talk him out of it and posted it here to prove it to him. the thing is he has the only RBTA in central Cali. i have never seen one in this area. I would definately buy one off of here but i dont know how to go bout it.
the thing with LFS anenomes is they split all the time and it seems like they reach for light a lot which makes them expand and seem huge. their in 100+ tank with coralife 175 hqi fixture. its dimmmmmmm and decieving!
anyone got one for sell or trade in cental Cali....fresno??