RBTA proposition


Active Member
Heres the deal, a fellow locla hobyist is getting ready to start a tank. Our LFS had a really nice RBTA. He proposed that he would buy it stick it in my tank and when it split we would each get one. I dont want to rip him off or cheap him in any way. I todl him i needed to do a little more research.
I have a 135 reef. Right now i just have 1-400w MH but with in a week i will haev 2 400w. DO u think i could just get the anenome and put it under the 1 MH? Another thing, how often do they split? Iam sure he doesnt want o wait a year. Does any one knwo how long RBTA last in general?


im no bta expert by any means, but i can tell you that mine is under mh lighting, and seems to prefer to be in the shade under shelves in my tank, but he seems to eat as much as im willing to feed him. Not sure on the split, i have heard alot about them splitting, just not sure how common or often they will.


New Member
my lfs has a rose bta that is at least 15 years old and has split every year around sept. like clockwork for the past ten years. and they dont even feed the thing.


I saw a handfull in my lfs tank tonight, with a bunch of clowns playing in them....$100 bucks a pop.....they were nice....very pretty.....


If your serious Jerehill....I think that is the longest I have ever heard an anemone being held in captivity!


in my reef club poeple now have a hard time giving bta's away and most of these bta clones can be traced back to one bta that has been in a tank for close to 20 years. (most of the 300+ members have at least one). locally these clones are slightly harder to keep then aptasia, but we got a lucky with VERY hardy proven spilter.