rbta split


Active Member
we have had our rose bta for only 2 weeks now and it has split already. we just looked in the the tank this morning and noticed a smaller one next to the big one:D now our maroon can't decide which one to host.


Active Member
i just put the clone in my 30 gal with 192 watts of pc. gonna see how it does under this lighting. i can't quite tell but the larger anemone looks like it might be splitting again:notsure: that would be cool if it is:)


Keep us posted on how the little one does in that tank. I think it'll be fine. I have mine under the same lighting but in a 45 gallon tank. My black percs are just starting to host in it. It's been about 4 months since I got it.


Active Member
i have heard that they can do well under less lighting and more feedings, so that is what i am going to do. i am kida turning this into an experiment, i am going to keep track of feedings and water quality to see how often each one spits in the different conditions. the oroiginal one is in my 150 with 975 watts of MH.
literally 2 minutes after i put the anemone in the 30 gal, my gold striped maroon started to host in it:D


Active Member
A good way I have heard of to make them split more often is to feed them like every other two days or so for 2-3 weeks. Then do a really big water change, say about 25-50%. Not sure why this encourages them to split. Could be from stress or that they think there is cleaner water for more BTAs to survive.