Re:Bat Fish


The batfish I just recently bought, After getting the white thing on his eyes, It's now traveled to one of the fins... I know there is a good chance that he will not make it because he is now breathing really hard... I wanna know if he will at any chance of staying alive... If he doesn't I just would like to know what it could have been
Thanks for the replys..


Active Member
How's your water quality and filtration? Diseases tend to thrive in tanks that lack pristine water. There are lots of bacterial/fungal diseases that may cause white spots/patches on a fish. Any pictures or better descriptions could help us to better assess your problem, thus enabling us to help you more with a solution. :)


I'd like to show you a picture, I have several but i Don't know how to ge them smaller... Right now He has lost most of the color on his body and is breathing really hard... I know this fish is prone to diseases. My angel is doing fine.. Well any way about the batfish: It's now, the part on his eyes, still looks white, but it's also kinda flaking. I know he will be a gonner
I still want to know what was it and how could if get rid of it from the tank.
Thanks for the info..
Water quality and filtration I almost forgot: they are:
The Saltinity Is a little high: 1.023
Nitrate Is also a little High: 7
Ph: 7.5...
Thats all i just tested


well he died... I think the angel and the other fish were beating him up... There was scratch marks on his body, and one of his fins was all torn up...
I though i had bough peachful fish...I guess it just wasn't ment to be


Staff member
If you have windows, use your Paint Program in Accessories to resize the photo to 500x500 pixils using jpg format.