Re-converting to saltwater??


After a few disasters, about 3 months ago I decided to give up saltwater and convert to cichlids.
Since then my 37 gal has been running with fresh water but I never actually introduced anything, just an empty tank full of now dead rock (about 50 lbs) and sand.
I’m now convinced to try again with saltwater, the idea of fresh water just doesn’t…….. you know what I mean.
Here is a list of all the equipment I have:
2 x 65 watt PC retrofit kit
Moon light
Electronic timer
Remora Aqua C skimmer with maxi-jet 1200
Powerheads Rio 600 & 800
Marineland Emperor Bio-Wheel 280
Is there anything from the above list that I should change in order to maintain a reef?
Can I just add some live rock and live sand to seed the now dead rock/sand that I have in my tank?
Would the coralline algae grow back in time? How long would that take?
Many thanks

mx mr bean

basically uve got everything u need. i reccomend getting rid of ur old sand completely and put in some new sand. keep the dead rocks tho and add some live rocks. corraline takes quite a while to grow but once it gets started it multiplies like crazy. if u want to speed the process up i have heard that people use toothbrushes or blades to rub/cut the coraline they have on rocks. this is supposed to spread the coraline (spores) making it grow in more places. also there is a product called Purple Up. I havent used it and cant tell u much about it other than it claims to stimulate coraline growth. good luck with your reef tank.