Re-converting to saltwater


I posted this question on the Reef board but I only got one answer, probably the wrong board so let me ask again..........
After a few disasters, about 3 months ago I decided to give up saltwater and convert to cichlids.
Since then my 37 gal has been running with fresh water but I never actually introduced anything, just an empty tank full of now dead rock (about 50 lbs) and sand.
I’m now convinced to try again with saltwater, the idea of fresh water just doesn’t…….. you know what I mean.
Here is a list of all the equipment I have:
2 x 65 watt PC retrofit kit
Moon light
Electronic timer
Remora Aqua C skimmer with maxi-jet 1200
Powerheads Rio 600 & 800
Marineland Emperor Bio-Wheel 280
Is there anything from the above list that I should change in order to maintain a reef?
Can I just add some live rock and live sand to seed the now dead rock/sand that I have in my tank?
Would the coralline algae grow back in time? How long would that take?
Many thanks


Active Member
mayb the lighting, im not 100% sure about that one, wait for more, but so far so good, mayb the filter too but im not 100% sure on that either


Yes, I would add some LR and LS to help seed your now dead LR and LS. Get the saltwater mixed up and going. Once you got that part done I would add the dead shrimp trick to get the cycle going. If it were me I would give it some extra time to get the old LR and LS seeded before adding any fish or inverts. Your lights will be ok for softies and some LPS. The filter should be fine. My only other suggestion would be to take things slow and do a lot of research. Patience is the most important thing. The only things that happen fast in SW are bad things.
Good luck with your new beginning. Be sure to ask lots of questions.

aztec reef

Active Member
Your Equipment is fine to re-start with, the ONLY thing i would do is to add as much real LIve rock as you can afford, that will bring life/filtration to the reef sand and DEAD rock that you have..It is recomended 1- 1.5lbs of liverock per gallon...
Now my question, what was the cause for the disasters before? Did you use Tap water, Or just lack of maintanance, or whatever the reason..Just make sure you don't make the same mistakes..


Active Member
I would take the sand and rock out and first clean the tank with a pressure washer or a hose. I would then fill it up with some new sand and water. Add your heater and filter and other eqquipment. Let it set a couple of days until it clears. Boil your old rock and then add it to the tank. Buy a couple of new pieces of rock to add to the tank to seed the old rock. Now add some shrimp and get your cycle started.


Active Member
I would also instead of using ther HOB filter add a sump/fuge out of a 10 gallon. You can house all of your eqquipment down there so you tank is free of eqquipment. You also can grow macro algea and other benifical stuff for your tank.


Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Now my question, what was the cause for the disasters before? Did you use Tap water, Or just lack of maintanance, or whatever the reason...
A little bit of everything I guess. Started using tap water but switched to RO after got submerged by algaes, did things too fast and various beginner mistakes. But now I promise I'll be a good boy and take it very slowwwwwwwwwwwww ;-)
The only thing I changed from the original SW tank is the filter. I used a little undersized penguin but I upgraded to the 280 for the "never started cichlid tank".
Would the 280 provide enough filtration?


Originally Posted by nordkapp
A little bit of everything I guess. Started using tap water but switched to RO after got submerged by algaes, did things too fast and various beginner mistakes. But now I promise I'll be a good boy and take it very slowwwwwwwwwwwww ;-)
The only thing I changed from the original SW tank is the filter. I used a little undersized penguin but I upgraded to the 280 for the "never started cichlid tank".
Would the 280 provide enough filtration?

I have a 280 and crystal clear water.