re did my tank again check it out


I re did my tank again after I took my old crocea back from my buddy hes outa the reefing hobby any who here are my pics, please tell me what you think the tank is 8 months old




Active Member
I see that you have a metal halide, so try placing the fox coral mid way up the rock and to the side, so it will get less light. I said the same thing to you in my thread. By the way I like your tank a lot keep up the great work!


thanks for the comments! and DE thanks for the advice about the fox coral.
In the tank right now I have
2 fire shrimp
1 emerald crab
1 blue leg hermit
2 red leg hermit
4 diff types of snails
1 purple lobster
1 yellow headed sleeper goby
1 citron goby
and Im gonna buy a swisguard baslet
I think I have more animals in their I'll check and post em lol
thanks allot for you guy's comments


some more pics, also it looks like the fox coral is starting to open up and I took these pics with a better camera so hope they look better tell me what u think



Hey sdwarrior,
What kind of lights do you have that you are able to keep that clam in a 10 gallon? Are they metal halides or pc's? I am going to be getting a 6 gallon nanocube with 54 watts PC and I want a clam eventually. Is it do-able? Is it happy? :thinking: