Active Member
The title says it all... It's a 46g bow and it's really covered with coraline algae along the bottom glass of the sand bed and towards the top edges and everywhere on the back glass. I originally thought this would look really pretty. Now I'm not too sure. I seem to prefer the really clean looking glass. I'm such an anal person that what I really want to do is take everthing out and clean the heck out of the tank. Make it like new and then re-insert everything. Now, I have done this before without any catastrophe. Let me begin with what's in the tank:
Domino Damsel (be a good time to remove him completely)
Perc Clown
Royal Psuedo
Scarlet Hermits
Sea Cucumber
Queen Conch
Emerald Crabs
Turbo and Nassarius snails
60lbs LR
Leather Finger
Xenias (growing like weeds)
Star Polyps
What I did before was put everything into a new plastic tub (about 20g) with a heater, the fluval and a power head. This should keep everything alive while I work on the tank. I then really goto work on the tank, cleaning it completely. Now the last time I did this, I completely changed out the sand bed because it was really yucky. I am thinking of doing the same to this. Should I leave some of the old sand bed in and just add new. Or would a completely new sand bed be ok? My fluval 305 (one compartment of bio max) and LR provide great biological filtration... So I don't think I would get a spike (didn't last time). Then I'm going to buy new bulbs for the PC fixture and this tank will look really good! Of course my main concern is not to lose things during this process. If I add new sand, the water is going to be quite milky for about a day or so. But everything will be fine in the tub, right?
Please feel free to point/guide me... like I said, I did this once before with zero problems... but maybe it was luck. This is a pretty big deal, just like basically moving a tank would be.
One final thing, I've always just put the LR ontop of the sand bed. Is there really a better way? Please let me know? I'd be in a perfect position here to do things the "right" way when I put this all back together.
Also, what is a good way to remove all the coraline algae?
Domino Damsel (be a good time to remove him completely)
Perc Clown
Royal Psuedo
Scarlet Hermits
Sea Cucumber
Queen Conch
Emerald Crabs
Turbo and Nassarius snails
60lbs LR
Leather Finger
Xenias (growing like weeds)
Star Polyps
What I did before was put everything into a new plastic tub (about 20g) with a heater, the fluval and a power head. This should keep everything alive while I work on the tank. I then really goto work on the tank, cleaning it completely. Now the last time I did this, I completely changed out the sand bed because it was really yucky. I am thinking of doing the same to this. Should I leave some of the old sand bed in and just add new. Or would a completely new sand bed be ok? My fluval 305 (one compartment of bio max) and LR provide great biological filtration... So I don't think I would get a spike (didn't last time). Then I'm going to buy new bulbs for the PC fixture and this tank will look really good! Of course my main concern is not to lose things during this process. If I add new sand, the water is going to be quite milky for about a day or so. But everything will be fine in the tub, right?
Please feel free to point/guide me... like I said, I did this once before with zero problems... but maybe it was luck. This is a pretty big deal, just like basically moving a tank would be.
One final thing, I've always just put the LR ontop of the sand bed. Is there really a better way? Please let me know? I'd be in a perfect position here to do things the "right" way when I put this all back together.
Also, what is a good way to remove all the coraline algae?