

well, since my question was lost in a flame war I'll re-post it.
Question about the MM. It says in the FAQ section that a DSB with the ecosystem is no good. Is there a cross between these two systems that works? Or is it ok to have a DSB with janitor kit alonmg with your sump containing MM? I read the faq and I think they were talking about a plenum. I wouldn't use a plenum anyway. I was shooting for a 4" DSB with janitors, LR, and the MM sump. workable? Or would I be better going with a sump with LS/LR and just growing Caulerpa in it and keeping it on an alternating light cycle to try to balance pH? Would I need a skimmer if I did this? Everybody's tank is different and I'm sure they're all ok or they wouldn't be using the setup they have. I just don't want to crash a tank when it's finally setup.
I'm SOOOO confused.
SO, to sum up ( sorry so long ) I am definately going DSB and LR. What's my best course of action for a sump?
<img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> :D


Active Member
personally i'd put sand and some lr in the sump with macros, and not buy the MM, but i haveheard good things about MM , i just like sand myself, and it is cheaper, don't know why they wouldn't mix(1 in sump and 1 in tank, but maybe they won't)


Active Member
I would just use a DSB in the main tank and then plumb in a refugium in which to include another DSB and grow some macros, throw in a few pieces of live rock and breed some pods and other critters as well. I didnt read your other post, so Im not sure what was being disscused, but IMO you dont have to pay for a sump with a brand name that grows algae, you can just build your own for much cheaper, the old fashioned way ;) I think a tank with a DSB and a refugium would be hard to beat...Will you be running a skimmer? HTH


Well I guess I would be running an in sump skimmer of some kind, The only reason I was wondering was that MM says you don't need one. I guess I'll just have to read more. I'm sure I can come up with something that will be fine. Again, there are about 30 ways to filter a SW reef tank and you're gonna get about 1,000 Different opinions. :D


Ironreef found a study on MM. It turns out the MM is actually 60 + % quartz and or silica.It is posted on --. In other words it is the same composition as many dsb's, just very fine particles.
I'm setting up my 140 and using quickrete sand for a dsb in the main tank, and in the sump / refugium.