RE-...starting my 12G nanocube


So, needless to say, my 12G nanocube has been pretty neglected for like the past month. Currently all I have in there is a beautiful GSP and a skunk cleaner shrimp. My problem is the algae. What would be the best way to go about cleaning this up. I really want to make a nice reef out of this. Any suggestions (i.e. what to put in there, treatments etc.) would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Airforceman
So, needless to say, my 12G nanocube has been pretty neglected for like the past month. Currently all I have in there is a beautiful GSP and a skunk cleaner shrimp. My problem is the algae. What would be the best way to go about cleaning this up. I really want to make a nice reef out of this. Any suggestions (i.e. what to put in there, treatments etc.) would be greatly appreciated.
what kind of algae do you have and are you using RO/DI water?


I don't know, I'm guessing just straight up algae. Green. I know the difference between coraline and hair but this is just straight algae i guess. I don't know how to better describe it. It's covering most of my rocks. And yes i do use RO water


Active Member
Originally Posted by Airforceman
By the way here are some water details
Amm.- .01 ppm
nitrate- 2
salinity - 1.025 or 35ppm
is the kit new or old? what type is it? hard to believe you still have ammonia if its been setup for a while. when you figure out the ammonia problem, you can look into getting snails to help you out with the algae on the rocks. do you have snails so far?


I started the tank up in May. It's a JBJ with two 12 watts. I turn it on when i get up in the morning at about 6:45 and off when i come home usually around 6 now that it's football season. I know thats a lot of light but there isn't really another way of making that time lower.


New Member
I have a JBJ nano 12 gallon also and i was also thinking that the lighting might be an issue but i hear you can just buy a timer at a hardware store and at will turn it on and off for you but you have to leave the light on the on setting i am assuming


Originally Posted by Airforceman
anybody with advice on what to do?
As far as the lighting is concerned, I would go with the timer idea bucks for a digital one)(18 . Its simple and it one less thing you have to worry about. Here is a pic of my timer setup.....I use them for everyhting!!!!!!!


I would go with the timer idea bucks for a digital one)(18

I meant to say: I would go with the timer idea (18 bucks for a digital one)
Hopefully that made more sense!!!!!!!


Also, there's no fish in the tank at the moment only four turbs., one skunk shrimp, and a GSP as i think i mentioned about, but would putting a Gramma and some sort of goby or blennie in there be too much? It's well established, about 5months old.