re stocking list 75 gal fowlr


my 75 gal tank has been redone with a wet/dry sump, cpr overflow, ro system, lunar compact flor light, tanks been going for almost 3 years now have 100lbs of live rock and plenty of sand and a solid clean up crew... when i re did my tank i got rid of my fish. looking to get it going again here are my ideas. im looking to stay away from the meat eaters looking to stay more reef safe
right now i have 2 ocllaris clowns
thinking about not all of them to many for my tank just looking at my options
flame angel
yellow tang
Auriga Butterflyfish
royal gamma or purple queen anthias
six line Wrasse


Active Member
Just to chip in about 2 of the fish you have listed, there is nothing really reef-safe about an Auriga butterflyfish. They aren't 'meat-eaters' but any coral or sessile invert (sponge, coco-worms, etc) are fair game. If you are looking for fish that are just mostly non-predatory, the Auriga is a decent choice. I might be a little bit concerned with him and the Yellow Tang. For whatever reasons, many times YT's just don't get along with butterflies. "My yellow tang is killing my Copperband" or similar, is one of the most popular threads out there. Make sure the YT is added after the butterflyfish, and is of substantially different size.
The other fish, Purple Queen Anthias has one, if not the lowest survival rate out of any fish in the industry (well, ties with a few corallivore Butterflyfish I guess). They just won't eat in captivity. A nice compromise fish, that has the color of the purple queen, but with better survival figures, is the Blackcap Basslet.


I agree with AquaKnight. The butterfly and the Yellow Tang a) probably won't get a long and b) are a little much for a 75 gallon which will only increase the risk of aggressive behavior from the Yellow tang.
As for the anthias, purple queens are tough. The longest I've had one live was 9 months and the entire 9 months was a struggle, they also don't do well if they're not in at least pairs, this goes for most anthias in my experience. Try a duo or trio of Bartlett's or Evansi Anthias. The Bartlett's are the easier of the two to deal with. If you don't care about the color and just want anthias, Lyretails and Dispar's are definitely the easiest to deal with (if you can consider an anthias "easy"). If you're just looking for a purple fish or a single fish, I agree with AquaKnight about the BlackCap Basslet, but would also recommend a Orchid DottyBack (Fridmani - ORA).


New Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/382810/re-stocking-list-75-gal-fowlr#post_3343606
I agree with AquaKnight. The butterfly and the Yellow Tang a) probably won't get a long and b) are a little much for a 75 gallon which will only increase the risk of aggressive behavior from the Yellow tang.
As for the anthias, purple queens are tough. The longest I've had one live was 9 months and the entire 9 months was a struggle, they also don't do well if they're not in at least pairs, this goes for most anthias in my experience. Try a duo or trio of Bartlett's or Evansi Anthias. The Bartlett's are the easier of the two to deal with. If you don't care about the color and just want anthias, Lyretails and Dispar's are definitely the easiest to deal with (if you can consider an anthias "easy"). If you're just looking for a purple fish or a single fish, I agree with AquaKnight about the BlackCap Basslet, but would also recommend a Orchid DottyBack (Fridmani - ORA).
you are so smart:) you should tell me everything about the reef hobby:) i already know about Metal Halides and T5 lighting and polyps and gorogneans. I know alot about lighting for fish tanks. Like how you need 3-6 watts per gallon for good coral health!!