Ready for my CUC!!!



Originally Posted by Clownfanatic55
I am adding the 55-100 gallon package to my tank..Buying them tomorrow!

i would customize that CUC if i were you. i'd go w/o hermits period. if there isnt enough for them to eat they will turn on your snails quickly. more snails and shrimp will do the trick.
25 turbos, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 coral banded shrimp, 5 peppermints, 10 nass. snails, 1-3 emerald crabs, 1 sally lightfoot and maybe a star. JMO but ive watched personally both red and blue hermits flip snails over and go to town.


Active Member
I don't have a huge bioload in my tank, but I personally have more hermits than anything in my CUC. I love them, think they're too cute, and know they're beneficial so I feed them a few times a week. Just throw in a little extra food to make sure they get some too, and you should be fine. You're right though, Vinny. Learned that one the hard way, so I just started feeding them instead of getting rid of them entirely. I had a fish death and they were all over it, regardless of their feeding so they'll still do their job if you don't feed them a lot.


I love my hermits but yes I'd wait to put them into the tank until after you have some fish and have the extra waste for them to eat. Start with the cierth,nass and turbo snails, shimp ect..
Will I still be able to get it around $99.99 that is my goal.
I have a bunch of brown algae all over it so I believe they will be FULL for awhile =] and make my tank beautiful. I will just have to monitor them for a while and if they get aggressive then I will take them out and trade them for something at my LFS maybe. Thanks for the input though!
Oh yeah I have a Humu Humu Trigger, and a Ocellaris clown, and since I am going to pay over $79.99, I am going with the $9.99 Yellow Tang..sound good?


Active Member
Personally, I'd do it. if there was a problem with the tang in the tank, I'd trade it into my LFS. They'd probably give you a nice credit for it, so you're saving money either way.