Ready To Add Some Coral To My Tank


I just decided that i'm ready to start adding corals to my tank. What should I start with and how, and where do I place them? I've never had corals before I don't know anything about them. I know someone on here will have some answers for me, this place is great.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fungus19
I just decided that i'm ready to start adding corals to my tank. What should I start with and how, and where do I place them? I've never had corals before I don't know anything about them. I know someone on here will have some answers for me, this place is great.
depends on your water flow, amount of light and type. Easy beginner corals are softies such as mushrooms.

sign guy

Active Member
welcome to If you post in reef you will get more of a responce. cuz most people trade in here.
but anywho what equpmint do you have?


Originally Posted by fungus19
I just decided that i'm ready to start adding corals to my tank. What should I start with and how, and where do I place them? I've never had corals before I don't know anything about them. I know someone on here will have some answers for me, this place is great.
Let's start with the basics. What size is your tank and what kind of lighting do you have? Most corals live on light and if you don't have the right kind of lighting, they will not survive.
The second thing I would recommend is buying a good book. Robert Fenner, Eric Boneman, Anthony Calfo, and Michael Paletta have all written great books for beginers as well as advance aquarists. You will find most of the answers to your questions in a good reef keeping book. I know this sounds boring, but even after 5 years, we still refer back to the first book we bought when we got into the hobby.