ready to buy bangaii cardinal!!


HI guys !! Iwould realy like to buy a pair of bangaii cardinal but since i canot see the difference between male and female i would have to rely on luke!!So let,s say i get two females (80 gal reef) would they fight?IF i get 2 male,probably
.I need a litle input as to know what to do!!


Originally Posted by gohabsgo
HI guys !! Iwould realy like to buy a pair of bangaii cardinal but since i canot see the difference between male and female i would have to rely on luke!!So let,s say i get two females (80 gal reef) would they fight?IF i get 2 male,probably
.I need a litle input as to know what to do!!
chances are if you got the same --- they would stay at opposite sides of the tank...your tank is big enough for that...there are slight differences but you really won't be 100 percent on the sexs until you see them breeding
With bangaii, they have 2 dorsal fins. With males, they have a much longer second dorsal fin. If you go by that rule, chances are you may get a male/female pair.
I have 2 and they stay together all the time. As they are becoming endangered, I would suggest finding someone selling tank raised. I did this, as I don't want to add to the depletion of the wild.


Tank you !i will do that and will buy tank breed for sure since they are available and probably more hardy!!


I just ordered two Bangaii for my new 29 gallon. I have two PJ cardinals in my DT and they stay at opposite ends of the tank so they are def the same ---, I don't know if male of female. Any body know how to tell with PJ Cardinals?


so,litle update!!This morning i went to the lfs and picked 2 bangaii,i hope i have a pair!!I dont know if it's a good sign but when i put them in the tank they imediatly went side by side!!Funy part is all the other fish are afraid of them!


Active Member
well unfortunately you aren't going to get a breeding pair this way. bangiis breed best in groups of 5.. im not sure why this is but every breeder I know has had no luck with less than 5.. always best at odd numbers. this will ensure you get a mating pair. good luck


They usually hang together the first few days. You won't know for sure about the sexes until they start acclimating. I got a pair that hang together. The pair have driven the others away. Still won't know if this is a pair yet. The two outsiders sometimes hang together but for the most part, they are loners (guessing they are same ---). None of them really will eat frozen food on a regular basis. Still feeding blackworms (those things do have a stench about them).


For me it's not realy important if they never breed!!But i dont want two male that will end up killing each other that what is more important for me!!!


Active Member
I think the first decision you need to make is whether you buy captive bred or maricultured ones. From what I've heard, the maricultured ones are harder to keep especially if they are captured around this time of the year. I lost one of my maricultured ones after 2 days in the tank (still haven't found him). The other one is going strong and is a feroscious (sp?) eater.


I bought what I thought were aquacultured. They were definitely not. Still not eating anything but live blackworms. Cyclopeeze was a no go. Aquacultured will usually be smaller, more expensive, but much hardier and will probably take prepared foods easier.
Wild caught will usually be larger, cheaper, and hit or miss on the hardiness. There is supposedly some virus that is affecting them but I don't know too much about it.
Go aquacultured if you can. Two males should not squabble too much in a large enough tank. They are not very active swimmers usually and tend to hang in the corners.