Ready to frag?


Active Member
Is my mushroom ready to frag? I would like to move 1 half of it to another rock. How would I do this? Thanks.

And here is "Coral"


Active Member
you have two there so I am not sure if you just want to move half a head or one head out of the two shown?


Active Member
Just cut it in as many pieces as you can and throw the scraps back in the tank. Every piece will become a new mushroom and attach to where it settles.
If you really want to transfer one to another rock, you need to scrape it off while including a sliver of the rock it is attached to, and then glue it to the new desired rock.


Active Member
is it possible to cut a small piece out of him other than the head and have it continue to grow also could'nt you just cut under its head actually cutting the rock??? is'nt the rock soft enough to cut i know this sounds kind of stupid but just a thought


Active Member
Originally Posted by mie
is it possible to cut a small piece out of him other than the head and have it continue to grow


I would cut the entire head and leave the stem (base). Cut it as high as you can. The base will grow into a new mushroom in no time, and you can net the cut shroom to your rock and have a big shroom almost instantly wherever you want to put it! Good luck.


Active Member
I mean move the shroom to another rock. Thanks for the replies. Could I cut the big one in half and the cut the rock and move it?


Active Member
yeah if you have a tile saw or something like that. the easiest way would be to eother cut off the whole head or half a head then use any of the usual attachment methods. I prefer sand in a shallow dish and let them attach to the sand then glue it to a rock.


Active Member
Do you do cut it under water? I think im going to cut it in half and chip the rock and then set the rock on another rock.


Active Member
take it out of your tank to do the work it'll be a lot easier on you and it wont bother the coral any.


Active Member
My dad said that we could cut it and put it in a small glass bowl of sand. And then glue it. What do you use for glue? Do we let it attach in water?


Active Member
Couple quick questions and I will start tommorw. I know you use super glue but just any kind? Can you just use the knifes that are used to open boxes? Also how lond should you wait for it to dry and put back in the tank?


Active Member
I went out and bought an exacto knife tonight you know the kind for models and crafts also bought a couple of speacialty blades for a dollar more, also some GEL super glue. when i fragged last week i waited about one minute, if your worried fill up a small dish with water and submerge the creature not getting the base wet