Ready to frag?


Active Member
If you look on that link I posted it shows the kind of glue I use. Its "Krazy glue gel" dont worry about the mushroom being out of the water for the time it takes to frag it. 15 minutes out of the water is no problem for them.
I just use any razor blade I wash them first to get the packing oil off them.


Active Member
Well did my frag today the star polyps were a sinch i also found a black brittle star living inside also fragged my shroom what a challenge that was, I did it two ways i cut out a small piece out of one of the bigger ones then netted it to a rock then i cut a whole one at the head and actually glued i to rock



Active Member
Well I must be a bad fragger. I think I killed it. I cut it in half right across the whole thing and cut the bottom off. Right now ther thing is shrivved and purple not red orange. It has gut like things to that I can see.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Well I must be a bad fragger. I think I killed it. I cut it in half right across the whole thing and cut the bottom off. Right now ther thing is shrivved and purple not red orange. It has gut like things to that I can see.
no worries they always look like heck when you cut them in half. give it two weeks or so and it'll be back to normal.
here are sopme pics of one of my shrooms after fragging (its a hairy mushroom when open its about 3 inches or more) you can see the purple "guts" hanging out. dont worry it lived and is bigger than before I fragged it.



Active Member
the one i (GLUED) floated away to the deep abyss
but the shroom that i fragged looks awsome
we will have to wait and see how the netted one fairs


Active Member
Looks good to me. its going to take it a week or more to close itself up then attach to the sand. I would say you did fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mie
the one i (GLUED) floated away to the deep abyss
but the shroom that i fragged looks awsome
we will have to wait and see how the netted one fairs

thats why I reccomend letting them attach to sand before glueing. that way you glue the sand. mushrooms are too slimy to glue effectively. the net tecnique usually works pretty good but I hear some people have problems with their shrooms disentegrating when they use mesh or net, I'm not sure why.