ready to try again HELPmy fishies need a home


well it's bien said that I'm either stupid or stubborn yep that's me! ok well in the light of it all I still have 3 verry pretty fary wrass as well as a couple clowns that just can't survive verry long in a 15 gal q.t. so please give me advise on starting over :notsure: well they can't wait till the l.r. recycles so it's in tons of containers with power heads and of course the stinky and must go, but how do I clean up the aftermath of the crash should I
st rinse drain re rinse again get bacteria and get em in? i don't want to loose the guys I've got left and after all I just went out and spent almost 600 in the past few weeks including a really strong filter so talk me through it guys
as for a substrate there just wont be one till I can buy it all from swf not messing round with south down

how long must it sit before I can get all of these over crowded fish back into the display? how do I clean it up!


Shawna, I red your post where you got toxicity poisoning from your tank, and I'm so glad that you're okay and sticking with the hobby.
Do you have anyone near you that has a SW tank that can house your fish for you until you get it back up and running? How about a local fish store? They may charge you a housing fee. When we lost power here about four years ago to a horrible ice storm, our local LFS took in my surviving fish until we got our power back. Granted, it was a FW set up at that time.


Well since you have the will
Im sure we can always help. This is my suggestion to you. Drain the tank and clean it spotless with a mixture of vinegar and water. Rinse it well and dry it out. Fill it half way with water and put a power head or two to circulate the water. Add your LR and let it cycle again. Give it a few days and test the water and you can take it from there. I hope this can help you get started again.