Real Ocean Water.

iggy koopa

New Member
I'm in the process of starting my new 5.5 gallon nano tank (pics to come real soon) and instead of doing the whole cycling thing, I used some Real Ocean Water. It's a 5 gallon package that they sale for 9.99 at *****. I figured I'd just use the trial and error method on it and so far, everything is doing just fine.
I've already added 5.5 lbs. of live rock and couple of red leg hermit crabs. I tested it and everything comes out good. Ph normal, salinity fine, and so on and so forth. Has anybody heard anything, good or bad, about this Real Ocean Water? The stuff it says about it on the side of the box almost makes it too good to be true but you never know. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Iggy Koopa


It's kind of expensive but other than that it should be fine. I'm curious as why you think using it helped avoid cycling the tank.

iggy koopa

New Member
Well, usually you have to dechlorinate, mix salt into the water, put in smaller fish to help cycle, then you get to add cool stuff a couple weeks down the road. At least that's what I normally do. With the Ocean Water you could add stuff immediately. If you know any other way beyond that I'd be delighted to know. Thanks in advance.
Iggy Koopa


I know of no shortcuts. I still don't understand why this water would help avoid a cycle. I've setup new tanks using water from a cycled tank and still had a cycle. But I'm not familiar with this product.


Yes, that is "real" ocean water but it does nothing for cycling your tank. I have used it, but a cycle is the tank getting the right bacteria in it to be able to break down the waste. The water, while having some of that bacteria, will not provide enough to fully stock a tank. Your comment on having to remove the chlorine from the water also worries me. You should not be using tap water in your tank, and if you think it is ok to use it, you should research some more.


PLEASE dont start out with that ocean water from *****. If you start off with a good salt like instant ocean and allow the tank to cycle on its own you will have a lot better results. Take your time setting up the tank and go slow. The slower you go the better results you will have. Making saltwater is not that hard. 1.5lbs. of salt to 5 gallons of RO water.


There is nothing wrong with the water from *****. Like i said, I have used it and it gave me good results. It was also a whole lot easier to do water changes with.

iggy koopa

New Member
Thanks for all the input. So far my two little crabs are doing fine and the small christmas tree worms and polyps on the live rock are starting to come out. As soon as I stock it, I'll have pics. Thanks again.
Iggy Koopa