real quick ich question


ok i had ich and i killed everything
but i did contiue the treatment and LFS said wait a week or two before adding anything else into tank but here ive been told i should wait four to six weeks but my question is could i treat my tank again and maybe add something the middle of next week?? :notsure: i know i should be patient i will if i absoulty have to but its so hard to look at a empty tank after seeing everything swimming around in it


if you are trying to minimize your chances of a re-occurance of ich, then you should leave the tank fishless for 4 weeks. I wouldn't depend on anything else to kill ich.


Active Member
I would wait the four to six. You will KNOW that you killed the ich that way.
Word to the wise: Most LFS' want your money. They will tell you just about anything to get you to spend more money (and this is coming from someone who has worked at several LFS'). Take what they say with a grain of salt and always get a second opinion until you know you can absolutely trust what the person is telling you.


I quit trusting everything told to me by my LFS, I mentioned the Stop Parasite product to the store owner on Wednesday and she said "My customers won't use anything that you have to refrigerate" Give me a break, if the product works which it does! Why not. My tank is definately worth saving so I really don't mind keeping my product in the refrigerator.


Active Member
Originally Posted by captainMJ
I quit trusting everything told to me by my LFS, I mentioned the Stop Parasite product to the store owner on Wednesday and she said "My customers won't use anything that you have to refrigerate" Give me a break, if the product works which it does! Why not. My tank is definately worth saving so I really don't mind keeping my product in the refrigerator.
Haha, so I guess she does not believe in frozen foods or DT's phytoplankton either?


well since there are no fish in my tank can i get the stop parasite and put it in the tank or is it just for the fish (boost immune system)???
lion is the phytplankton vitamines or just food when i go to get more fish i am going to buy garlic xtrem and vitiamin what do you recommend i do have a variety of foods: flakes formula 2 seaweed do i need somthing else as well? i am going to start the right way this time!!(with a little knowledge)ha ha ha

Unless you have endless amounts of money and no heart....I would'nt place more fish in the tank until it runs fallow for atleast 4 weeks. No fish = No Ich! Trust me Im going threw this right now by not QT'ing a pair of perculas from a friend..... That wont happen again QT'ing is a must!


Active Member
The Stop Parasite will be uselss. Just running the tank fishless for 4-6 weeks will eradicate the ich. Stop Parasite is only for boosting the fish's immune system and speeding the meatabolism.
Phytoplankton is a type of filter feeding food.
Garlic Xtreme would be helpful, as well as Zoe, VitaChem, and Selcon/Zoecon (either/or).
I would say you need at least 2 more types of foods. I would look into getting some formula foods, like Formula A and B. They contain a very highly nutritious mix of seafood.
If you have any more questions, just post em!