Real Reef Fish!



I'm looking for any tang or dwarf angel that will stay away from plants and caleupra(Spelling?) Is there any. Any one had luck keeping there Yellow Tang from devoring this stuff. Mine loves it.

mr . salty

Active Member
I think mine loves tearing up anything green, more than eating it. But he deffinatly enjoys eating it too. I don't know about dwarfs,but my Emperor is right there with my two tangs evry time......STEVE


I think you should just get a cute little coral beauty. He will eat caulerpa, but, oh well, the fish is way better than the plant, IMO. I don't think there are any dwarf angels or tangs that won't eat caulerpa. Except maybe a resplendent angel...but it would cost THOUSANDS to get one. I really love coral beauties, and plan to get one once I buy and cycle my 55 in a couple months. It's the only fish that's absolutely essential for me to have besides a clown. I think a percula will be my choice.


Sorry -I sure can't think of any angels or tangs that won't eat your green stuff--they're grazers by nature. Kinda like the horses and cows of the sea.


They can get kinda fat LOL. I saw a fat passer angel and an equally fat powder blue surgeon at an LFS a couple weeks ago. I think they are like cows. Fortunately they don't go MOO MOOOOO.


they are vegitarians and love to eat plants....just buy more(i sell it)to keep them healthy and happy...
Originally posted by Tattooedlife:
I'm looking for any tang or dwarf angel that will stay away from plants and caleupra(Spelling?) Is there any. Any one had luck keeping there Yellow Tang from devoring this stuff. Mine loves it.


Is there a place online to purchase calupera?
The lfs around here don't sell it.


I sell it!!! Write me at
Originally posted by niteshift:
Is there a place online to purchase calupera?
The lfs around here don't sell it.


New Member
My Yellow Tang ate a calupera plant as large as a football in 5 weeks! After reading up on it, it seems that it is very good for them. Natural feedng so to speak. The only bummer is around here that plant cost me $15.00!! From what I also understand, put the calupera in before you add the tangs. Rubberband it to a piece of live rock and it will eventually take over the tank. Or just give the little bugger what he likes:)
Originally posted by Tattooedlife:
I'm looking for any tang or dwarf angel that will stay away from plants and caleupra(Spelling?) Is there any. Any one had luck keeping there Yellow Tang from devoring this stuff. Mine loves it.