Really Confused!


I have read the other threads on water and what to use but I am still confused. I am new at all this and I don't know what an RO is or any of the other things. My question is what kind of water should I use to fill up my 45 gallon tank. I was going to just fill it up with tap water but I have read and hear that it is not good to do that. This is my first saltwater tank so I don't want to do anything wrong.
:thinking: Another question I have is after I add the water and the salt, when should I add the live sand and live rock.
If anyone can give me any info that would be great.


It really depends on location. I live here in north georgia, and I use tap water. I had swapped to RO water and I was having a few probs. I tested my tap water and it had 0 nitrates, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and a 7.0ph level. All I do is use dechlorinator and let it run in another tank with some airstones and a pump for 48hrs. I mix my salt in (Oceanic brand) and constantly test it. When all tests well, into the tank it goes. There are alot of mixed emotions on RO water and tap water. But, like I said it really depends on your location. If I were in florida, or around atlanta, I would definitly use RO water. But the tap water here has more beneficial trace elements, so. Since your from Cumming, GA, Id say you'd be fine to use treated tap water. Just test it!


RO is reverse osmosis. The only reason I had heard of it before I bought my tank is that my house came with a RO system from Culligan for drinking water. I never got the filter replaced as we usually just drink bottled water, but I think I'm going to do it now that I have got into the salt water world.
I read something on here from another member stating any filtered water is okay. I used tap water. The problem with that is everything that may be in it from your local water supply. You can contact tham to find out what is in it. You can also buy tap water conditioner.


If I don't have another tank to put my water in to get it right would it be ok for me to just test the tap before I put it in, and make sure that I use the stuff that makes tap water safe for aquariums?
:thinking: Another question is I will be using Kent salt to mix with my water. Is this good stuff or should I go into using something else.
:thinking: Just one more question I promise. I have seen on pictures of other peoples tanks lights that look like they are attached and they flip up. Is this the kind of light fixture i should have. Mine is like a long box and it sits on the glass that you put on the tank to keep the water from splashing out. I just wanted to know.


Can anyone tell me how much more MH lights cost than other lights. And what type of corals can i have with them. Thanks