really could use some advise.


Active Member
I am having a hard time deciding what lights to run on my 150 gal. I have 2 250 mh and had planned on buying one more, and then adding pc for actinic


Active Member
now if i go this way, i will have to raise my canopy at least 5 inch. I have also been looking at vho. but my canopy opens fron the top, so i can only add bulbs that will fit in the middle. I will try to post pictures of it.
I have also been looking at t-5, because they are smaller around and i could fit more.
I dont want anemonis, or hard corls, just really good color in my zoos.


Active Member
looking at keeping zoos, leathers, shrooms, maybe some candy cane type corals
how tall should a canopy be for vho or the t-5s


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
looking at keeping zoos, leathers, shrooms, maybe some sps
how tall should a canopy be for vho or the t-5s
I run vho's and my hood is about 6" high.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
how big around are the bulbs. trying to figure out how many i can fit
If you are referring to the bulb diameter, they are somewhere around 1.5". Keep in mind that you don't have to mount the ballast in the hood. I have mine underneath the stand.


Active Member
well, i went and took a picture, and just realized it has braces that are not going to let me put long bulbs in there.
I guess anyway i look at it, i am going to have to rework this canopy.
Yes the tank is 6 ft


Active Member
When it comes to the diameter of any bulb, they are generally always marked in a "T-?" fashion, and the number that is in place of the question mark is the number of 1/8th's of an inch that it is. So the T5 bulb is 5/8", whereas VHO and regular flourescents range from T10 to T12, with VHOs being exclusively T12 I believe, meaning that they are between 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches in diameter, and most assuredly 1 1/2" when it comes to the VHO bulbs. One thing to look out for though with VHO bulbs is that there are generally two options when it comes to bulb length in that some are themselves 48" or 72" or whatever, while some are 1/2 to 1 1/2" shorter so that they can fit into a 48" or 72" hood. So, just be careful that you look at the right numbers when picking up bulbs for whatever lighting system you decide to go with.