REALLY fast video tour of most of my pets


Reefkeepers, your house alot like mine! You have more in numbers with your cats and dogs though. We have 7 cats, 2 dogs, 2 ferrets, 2 guinea pigs, 4 rats, 3 rabbits, 75 gallon tank, 19 gallon tank, 46 chickens, 4 ducks. I have 3 more chicken eggs in incubator now, just placed 3 kittens to home (was a horrible guys that was going to drop these 8week kittens in the woods,) just placed a 6mo male stray to a home and currently still have 2 strays I'm feeding in our garage until we can home them. Kudos to you, I know what its like taking care of so many animals. No lizards for me yet! Notice the word yet!


next time slow down that was like the blair witch project filming.
but that is alot of animals, u must have a nice paying job to just buy food for all those guys. hope u never get fleas in there that would be a nightmare


Active Member
LOL the funniest part of the whole thing were your, "random cat" every now and then "random cat" they are looking at you like your on crack... LOL.
And dude... that is a lot of animals... WOW.


Active Member
my girlfriend has no sense of smell. and she is super paranoid about the way the house smells because of that. every body that comes into our house points out that the house does nopt smell like it has animals. the only way animals smell is if they/their habitat is/are dirty, I have been in houses with one cat and all you can smell is cat urine. its not the number of pets its the manner of keeping them. if your pets are dirty your house will stink. if they are clean they wont. Period. there is no way around that. ferrets one of the smelliest pets possible if proper steps are taken (dietary, bio-odor, clean cage ETC.) no one would know you have them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
my girlfriend has no sense of smell. and she is super paranoid about the way the house smells because of that. every body that comes into our house points out that the house does nopt smell like it has animals. the only way animals smell is if they/their habitat is/are dirty, I have been in houses with one cat and all you can smell is cat urine. its not the number of pets its the manner of keeping them. if your pets are dirty your house will stink. if they are clean they wont. Period. there is no way around that. ferrets one of the smelliest pets possible if proper steps are taken (dietary, bio-odor, clean cage ETC.) no one would know you have them.
Argh, my wifes uncle had ferrets and they smelled so bad.