really how much stress are anemones

rainbow grouper

Active Member
ok so a good few months ago I got an anemone hosting a maroon clown the stupid anemone keeps moving to ridiculously stupid places so you can bearly see the dam thing any tips on getting it to stay in one place or is there no way to get it in a place I like


if your lighting is enought for it then you prob have to much flow in areas u want him to stay change around powerheads and such to lower water flow in those areas


Active Member
A happy nem stays put. I would look at the lighting, tank parameters and feeding of the nem. My sebae has never moved since being placed in the tank. It placed itself in the center of the tank right where I wanted it to go.

tangs rule

Active Member
Gem is correct - a happy anemone stays put - while one not happy "yet" will continue to roam till it finds that perfect spot. Sadly - it's almost impossible to get one to "stay put" - it makes up it's own mind what's perfect....(even though they do not have minds)


New Member
I have three anemones. A green carpet, a rose bubble, and a purple lta. The carpet is huge and seems to enjoy the heavy water flow in my 180gal aquarium. The rose hosts 2 maroons, with the female being very agressive. However it is planted. The lta however moved around and was getting stressed so...
I moved it to my refugium and I disconnected the pump and put in a small powerhead. I left it for a few hours and it attached itself to a rock in the refugium and has been inflating. It's obvious the heavy water flow was the problem. I'm going to need to attach a smaller pump to the fuge so the anemone stays happy. Even directing powerheads away from it initially didn't help. It needed the more tranquil environment. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Rainbow_____Anemones don't have a mind to make up...they follow the water flow, which is why they get caught in the power heads. If your flow pushes towards the back of the rocks, that's where it will end up.
Adam____I read somewhere that anemones fight with chemical warfare at each other, maybe that's why the one was happier in the refuguim.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by rainbow grouper http:///t/387587/really-how-much-stress-are-anemones#post_3411628
yes flower but it keeps disconnecting its oral disc
The anemone follows the water flow because that's where they will find food. They depend on the water flow for survival, just like corals do. However corals don't detach and flow with the current. If there is a chemical release from another anemone..then that anemone senses there won't be enough food for the both of them and releases to go elswhere. These creatures survive in the ocean, they have become very good at getting what they need to survive.
Do you run carbon? Maybe you can get all three anemones to accept each other by masking the chemical they put out. IF
that is the reason for the desire to wonder.

rainbow grouper

Active Member
perhaps i dont know it could be an aptasia as i recently spotted an aptasia near it in the 135 gal
bought some aptasia x but guess what i have aptsias in the sump also


New Member
rainbow get 1 copperband butterfly and say bye bye to all your aiptasia. joe's juice and aiptasia x won't cure the problem. the copperband definitely will. i had horrible aiptasia when i first inherited my 180 and used to get on milk crates with loaded syringes full of joe's juice. got the copperband and besides from being cheaper and a beautiful addition to the tank...i couldn't find a strand if i wanted to. hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by adaminelpaso http:///t/387587/really-how-much-stress-are-anemones#post_3411868
rainbow get 1 copperband butterfly and say bye bye to all your aiptasia. joe's juice and aiptasia x won't cure the problem. the copperband definitely will. i had horrible aiptasia when i first inherited my 180 and used to get on milk crates with loaded syringes full of joe's juice. got the copperband and besides from being cheaper and a beautiful addition to the tank...i couldn't find a strand if i wanted to. hope that helps.
Sorry but not all copperbands eat aiptasia..the ones that do will nip corals as well, those that don't bother the coral won't eat aiptasia either...peppermint shrimp eat aiptasia. Joes Juice and aiptasia X do work, but new ones crop up where you can't reach them...these breed more of them.


New Member
Yep Flower you're right...mine nips on the corals but doesn't appear to do any damage. Never knew that peppermint shrimp eat aiptasia though. Luckily it's been quite a while since I've had it in my tank. :)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by adaminelpaso http:///t/387587/really-how-much-stress-are-anemones#post_3412011
Yep Flower you're right...mine nips on the corals but doesn't appear to do any damage. Never knew that peppermint shrimp eat aiptasia though. Luckily it's been quite a while since I've had it in my tank. :)
I love copperbands, watch your pretty very may just nip for now, but might decide corals taste pretty good later in life. Dwarf angels are another really pretty fish, they will eat hair algae but they sometimes like a coral snack. Some do, some don't we always take a chance on such fish.