Really Need Advice!!!


New Member
Haven't had much luck in the equipment forum, so I thought I would try this one...
My skimmer is producing microbubbles consistently. I tried adjusting the venturi valve every which way, but the bubbles remain. I have a Seaclone (which I realize now was a poor purchase). My question is...are microbubbles something that I will simply have to get used to or is there any way to prevent them? Also, does this sound like a Seaclone problem or do all HOB skimmers do this?


I made the same mistake, started out with a SeaClone. Ours didn't put out bubbles though? Either we were lucky and that is a problem with them or yours is defective somehow. Any chance you can just get your money back?


New Member
Skimmer has been running almost 1 week, but for the first 4 days the venturi valve was completely closed allowing no air (this was recommended by the lfs). A few days ago I opened the valve and ever since then I have had the microbubbles. I have adjusted the valve every way possible and found that the more air I allow through the valvle the less microbubbles produced, but I simply cannot get rid of the bubbles.
Given the break in period, do you think the bubbles will go away on their own?
I cannot return the skimmer, but if I cannot do something about the bubbles then I will eat the $120 and purchase a new one. My concern, however, is that I will have bubbles regardless of the brand.


When I had my qt tank setup I ran a seaclone also and had the same problem. Where the water dumps back into the tank put a powerhead filter their. That will stop all your micro bubbles. HTH


New Member
Originally Posted by usinkit
When I had my qt tank setup I ran a seaclone also and had the same problem. Where the water dumps back into the tank put a powerhead filter their. That will stop all your micro bubbles. HTH
What do you mean by powerhead filter? The only powerhead filters I've seen are the little basket type, but the skimmer return is flat like one of those aqua clear HOT filters. Make sense?