really need this question about ich answered??


Is it a for sure that ich can not just happen? Example is that I have 3 goldfish, for 2 years now. Nothing comes or goes from their tank. Last month I spotted a white dot on ones head. Treated for ich for the 5 day treatment and its totally gone???
Also if ich is a parasite then what does it have to do with stress?
thank so much in advance


Staff member
Well, this is a marine hobby board not a FW, but one dot on a goldfish doesn't spell ick. All fish carry parasites. For the most part, parasites are kept under control by the fishes' own immune system, unless that immune system is compromised [via something like a stressful situation]
It basically works the same way for humans. Lets say that you've been working real hard, not sleeping enough and not eating properly. To top it off, you are going thru a bad divorce. You are stressed and you become more sceptical to colds, flu, etc. The same with any fish.


OK, but colds, flu's etc are all virus's, which can be influenced by stress factors. But say a parasite like e.g. ringworm... that is picked up by contact because it is a parasite, nothing to do with stress,right?
So basically what you are saying is that a tank that has the same fish for over say 2 months..that those fish can never get ich or parasitic infection without adding something to that tank from a foreign tank?
thanks Lynn