Really stupid questions about whatever


Active Member
If spider webs are so dang sticky then why don't spiders get tangled up in them?
Watching Animal Planet, this bug just grazes a spiders web and then it's totally entagled in the web, next thing you see is the spider just bee bopping along bumping into all kinda webs and nothing


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
If spider webs are so dang sticky then why don't spiders get tangled up in them?
Watching Animal Planet, this bug just grazes a spiders web and then it's totally entagled in the web, next thing you see is the spider just bee bopping along bumping into all kinda webs and nothing

what seaman named a sperm whale?


Active Member
Why does the border of OK and TX have an adult video rental place on the TX side and Casino on the OK side and it is considered the Bible Belt?


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
If spider webs are so dang sticky then why don't spiders get tangled up in them?
Watching Animal Planet, this bug just grazes a spiders web and then it's totally entagled in the web, next thing you see is the spider just bee bopping along bumping into all kinda webs and nothing

There is two types of web strands one sticky the other not the spider steps only on the nonstick


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Why does the border of OK and TX have an adult video rental place on the TX side and Casino on the OK side and it is considered the Bible Belt?
because it is still a free country and laws differ county to county there are dry counties and ones that sell liquor not everyone in the belt is religous...tobin


What's even funnier is what the locals call the video place.
Hence D(dirty)W(Willys) adult video.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
What happens when the material to make a penny cost more than 1 Cent?
Actually, it does cost more than one cent to make a penny. I believe it costs the government 1.25 cents for every penny they make.


Active Member
With the rising cost of copper, I guess that really was a stupid question, even thought it's not pure copper but a clad compostion.....


what would you rather dodge... a bullet. or a religous people knocking on your door. i got jehovah witnessed today....for 25 mins at the door!


Originally Posted by Darknes
Actually, it does cost more than one cent to make a penny. I believe it costs the government 1.25 cents for every penny they make.

pennys today are not made of copper anymore. they are made of zinc coated in the thinnest layer of copper. wanna know how much copper is used? just get a file and a penny. slit it around the edges on 4 seperate corners till u see the silver part. and dump it in hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid) at pool suplies. then nothing will be left but the copper.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
I just tell them that I'm gay and jewish and invite them in for tea

we used to hide behind the door and knock back until they got tired of it and left


Active Member
When we had the house in LongBeach and they cama knockin, it got so outa hand & annoying, I'm mean every other day, it was like we were on some kinda "gota save list" that we finally told them to take a hike


Active Member
Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
what would you rather dodge... a bullet. or a religous people knocking on your door. i got jehovah witnessed today....for 25 mins at the door!
Tell them "Hey, your just in time! I was just about to sacrifice a goat out back, want to join me?"
Kinda strange actually, there is a Jehovah's witness church less than 200 yards down the street from my house and they have never once, in the 2 years that I've lived here, knocked on my door. Guess they know better than to try and recruit in their own neighborhood where people know exactly where they are coming from...