Really stupid questions about whatever


we put a "no trespassing" sign on our front gate and they stopped coming in to knock on the door.
Im not a Jahova, but I have friends who are, and they dont constantly try to "recruit" me. good people, different beliefs. it's ok with me, as long as im not the "save target" for the day.
It's all good



Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
why do you park in a driveway and drive on a parkway
look at post #14... lol!!!
could you get a ticket if you drive past those road signs that say "Do Not Pass"???


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Originally Posted by NVMYCJ
Why is there brail for the blind, on drive up ATM's?
for the folks that take taxis and sit in the back seat behind the driver....


Active Member
so i am drinking a miller chill (pretty good by the way)...
and i am pondering: one of miller brewing companies ad campaigns was/is "the man laws" and one of "the man laws" was "dont fruit the beer"... why did they come out with a beer that has lime already in it???


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Why is the lemonade you drink is artificially flavored, but the dishsoap you use is made with real lemons????


Active Member
Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
what would you rather dodge... a bullet. or a religous people knocking on your door. i got jehovah witnessed today....for 25 mins at the door!
I find the best way to deal with this is to answer your door in your underwear. It adds an element of fun to the discussion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Why is the lemonade you drink is artificially flavored, but the dishsoap you use is made with real lemons????

hmm. you know, if real lemon removes grease and such from pans, i don't know if i want to be drinking it...


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
I find the best way to deal with this is to answer your door in your underwear. It adds an element of fun to the discussion.
been there done that...
some jahova's came to my door and i answered it in only my boxers. they were totally not fased by it at all. they just continued talking as if i was dressed normal. i stood there in my boxers for about 15 min before they left.


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Why do they print "playboy's in brail? Honest to god, a friend of mine has one, picked it up at an antique store, no pictures, just lots of bumps


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Originally Posted by NigerBang
Why do they use Sterile Needles for Lethal Injection?
Just a spinoff from this... why are prisoners on death row placed on suicide watch?


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Why are Heisman trophy winners, (allegedly the best players in college football), generally busts in the NFL?


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Why do so many people tell you their age and then tell you how old they will be at their next birthday??? (See age thread).


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Sport Utility Vehicle = SUV
Sport Utility Truck = SUT
Luxury Utility Vehicle = LUV
I was at the Caddy dealership looking an EXT and the sales guy told me that this truck is a Sport Luxury Utility Truck = SLUT

I promptly got the stink eye when I pointed this out...