Really want to redo my rock work


So I have some LR in my 15G that has been up for I think 3 months. I have 6 pieces of LR that are maybe 4cm in diameter. They are smaller pieces of rock that I have sperodically laying in the sand bed. I have 4 larger pieces of LR that are put together to create my not so good looking rock work.
What I really wish I could do is to make a slope from the back left corner coming out to the middle of the tank or spreading 2/3 of the tank, kind of like a reef wall. I would like it to be a gradual slope but have some shelf like areas where I can place corals etc. With the pieces I have now I don't think it is possible.
My thoughts of possible ways to make this happen are:
Go to the LFS and buy more LR. I know it will be cured I know the guy personally and he will tell me what pieces have just come in and what has been curing. I could buy pieces that make this slope idea happen and try and piece them together.
I also thought of buying a bunch of rubble to mid size pieces that I have in my sand(refering to the ones above) and just stacking it up/pouring it (not really pouring because it will be golf ball size pieces so to speak) into the shape I want.
The third idea is taking the LR I do have and maybe breaking it apart into the rubble like pieces and going from there.
The final idea would be to buy LS or other substrate (that you recomend) and pushing that into a pile with LR place into it.
What glue could I use? What glue can be used underwater?
My tank occupants are:
4 zebra hermits
1 nass snail
1 nerite snail
A zoa like coral that has 3 stems of red opening polyps that don't attach to LR for some reason.
1 green mushroom
1 pink hammer
1 yellowtail damsel
Any suggestions or pictures of the set-up I described?
Thank you all in advance.


I know probably not the most interesting topic and I'm trying to be patient hehe but if anyone could comment I would GREATLY appreciate it.


Geesh, I wish I could help you. My tank needs a live rock make over! I just can't get it looking quite like I would like it. Hopefully someone can help!


I know what you mean! Seriously, I feel your pain! I went to the LFS the other day and came home with some really nice pieces, but they're just not "working" in my tank. I bought some smaller pieces than what I had and wish I hadn't, but I don't want my tank crammed full of rock. Just enough for it to have a balanced look to it and something to support a few corals. Maybe they have schools for Saltwater ******** Decorating that we could take! LOL!


get a hammer and break them up...
and you can drill holes into them and use some wooden rods to piece them together how you want..


Would using wood rods really be ok? I only use wood in soft water tanks due to the leaching.
I just did exactly what you want, a slope starting in the rear corner and sloping to an open sandbed on the other end. Looks great!
Much better than the solid wall we all start with. Personally, I would use a hammer to break your rock unless your LFS will give you an even trade on the rock for pieces that will work. I'll show you before and after pics tomorrow.

the sherm

New Member
in my experience i have with small rock is no good. always moving it around what i would do is take apart and redu. but if thats not an option take the pieces you have and get industrial strength zip ties from home depo and tie them together to make a shape you do like. its always better to leave big spaces in between the lr because when you get new coral theres somtimes attached to a base rock and when ur rock is packed to tightly theres no were to stick it. plus you dont want to trap detritus by jamming ur rocks together