really would like a shark egg


Hello everyone I was wondering the best place to find shark eggs or if someone has one for sale kinda would like a banded cat shark egg. thanks BioReefer!!:rolleyes:

cool clown

Hi My LFS had one it was cool. You can pick one up and for 25.00 plus shipping. I was told that sharks are hard to raise. they need lots of room good water flow and you cant have anything magnetic in the tank (it messes with there heads). But I am not an experct that is just what I have been told. If you already know what you are doing, sorry to waste your time just don't want you to get one and have it die 2 months after it haches. I hate to lose anything.
What size tank are you going to put the shark in? None of the tank sizes you have listed are near adequate. I read sharks are minimum 180 gallons.
Bioreefer, I have a banded right now and he is awsome. I did however have problem feeding him at first. I got him at my LFS but he was a baby. I have never seem an egg and had no idea you could even buy them. I would love to see what one looks like if you can find a pic of them. I have a pic of mine if you want me to forward to your e-mail let me know. Good luck, Joe


Many lf's have them for around thirty five dollars. If not, try online stores, with the number one suggestion being.... THIS ONE! ;)


thanks guys for the info I am trying this in a 105 reef but it has lots of rock work to it has a like 5 fish in it and a bunch of inverts to it I didn't see a shark egg on SWF thanks guys BioReefer


New Member
Be aware that it will take a while for the shark to jatcj and then they are nocturnal so unless you stay up with a flashlight you'll be getting a relatively inactive shark that will make a snack outta your inverts!
so your looking for a SHARK EGG, here's a pic on one that hatched an is 1 day old laying next to the egg,next to the coral
if you canfind one for $25-$35.oo your doing good Ihave only seen them around $49.00. ENJOY!:cool:
P.S. that shark today is 11" an growing fast.:D