reason why colt coral is doing this


i purchased a colt coral about a week ago and it looked healthy from what i could tell. it was droopy for the first day then perked up, never lost any of its color. for the last two days it has been leaning heavily to one side. it has great color and is growing but it is just falling over to one side all the time. all other corals in the tank are doing great.
what could be some possible causes/remedies to this? i checked water parameters today: amm 0, trite 0, trate 0, 1.022.


I don't know for sure the cause of it, but my leather is doing the same thing. Sometimes it bends forward sometimes backward. The only reason I can think of is the light source.
I have two lights, one in front and one on the back. Normally the back is on first, so my leather bends backward to get the light. After the front is turned on, then he will bend forward. That's how it is. There's nothing wrong with it, I would think.


I find my colt is effected very easily my powerheads. If you re to move one of its branches to a fixed spot It will stay there for a bit then with water currents it will change. Everyday I come home and it is in a different position.
as long as color and polyps are fine you have nothing to worry about.


my colt doesn't change the direction of its lean with my lights, it leans the same way all time. it was my impression that a healthy colt was supposed to grow up with branches. is that not the case?


sounds perfectly normal. mine slouched for the first week i had it, same senario. it turned kinda whiteish at the tips. after a week, it perked up and started sprouting new branches. it seems to like the stronger lighting, mine twists to face most of the branches toward the light. i just moved it again recently, and have it sideways right now (the rock it's stuck to sux, it's too small! D@#$!!) i'm waiting for it to perk upright but i'm sure it will. they seem to grow thicker if you have them in swift current (mine are)


oh yeah. after it got settled in. i got more light on one end of my tank (where i had it the first time, where my brain is now =), and i moved it over a little so i'm gonna see how quickly it perks up this time. it seems to be making it's way up though. it's in a little stronger current now also. are all the polyps opened up on it? that's a good sign as to how they are doing. usually mine closes up at night but in full lighting it's nice and full.


yeah, give it some time. it sounds fine. i've heard an iodine supplement is good for them. not necessary though imo.


you are supposed to be able to just cut off the branches, but in a slicing motion that cuts all the way through the stalk, and attach the frags to rocks with glue, rubber bands, or sew them with thread until they attach on their own. i haven't been brave enough to cut mine up. i'd be mad if i killed it! :mad:


mine fragged itself,divided dowm the main stalk into 2.has done this several times,i"ve got 6 from the original 1.some have moved onto adjacent rocks.put some loose ones near the base and move them when fully attached.mine lean also-can always tell if one one the powerheads needs cleaning.
article with pictures and complete instructions on fragging colt coral:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>