reb/brown algae outbreak..Help!


In the last two days i have had a red algae out break. I know my nitriate were a little high on saturday and I changed 5 gallon of water.
I have 29g 40lbs of LR 40lbs LS. 2 clowns and 4 snails.
My tanks is been up for about 3weeks now. After my fist week I tested the water and the LFS said my water was fine and I was ready for fish. So I bought the two clowns. Now I have algae gowing everywhere. I also noticed a small crab that come on the LR is now died.
Also When I got the LR there was 3 inch orange sponge on it, that is now getting a littke smaller and lossing color. What does this mean? Is it dying?
I just put a prizm skimmer on it this morning. Will this help? Any suugestions?
[ September 13, 2001: Message edited by: teog ]


sounds like what you are going thru is normal. You should wait it out and it should go away on its own shortly. This is called a diatom bloom and usually signals the end of your first big cycle.
I would beef up my cleanup crew if I were you (snails and crabs).
You LR will change, if what you are describing is coralline, you more than likely dont have enough lighting to keep it alive, if it is a sponge, then you tank is prolly too young.
Now would be the ideal time to set up your skimmer, as it will remove any excess organic waste in the water.
[ September 13, 2001: Message edited by: @knight ]
The addition of the two clowns probably started a new cycle in the tank. Your seeing the increase in your nitrate level because of the additional bioload. If you have a DSB, then it will begin to work and start the denitrifying process. Once the nitrates are down the algae will go away. Without a DSB or plenum, your only recourse is water changes with RO or DI water. In the early stages with my tank, I always just scrubbed it off with a tooth brush and then siphoned it out. Probably not the preferred method, but it worked for me until I got my nitrates under control. You should also probably cut back your lights and feeding for a while. That should help also. LOL the red stuff is nasty.


Another great addition could be a Kole Tang (aka Yellow Eye Tang) My tank is much larger than yours, but my Kole Tang keeps the LR absolutely spotless.....because all he eats is algae suplemented with seaweed.


Active Member
I would not get your clean up crew until your ammonia and nitrite are 0. They WILL DIE. If you have a sponge thry should NEVER be out of water or they will die off where they met the air.
Red algea sounds like cayobacteria to me. this is normal, we've all been thru it. Water changes will clear it up some,try to suck it up when you do them. Also pointing a powerhead at the origin will help. Try doing a search for more hints.
Personally I would also not get another fish right now. If your tank has to catchup with it's current bioload, what do you think another fish will do to your balance? Take your time, your tank will balance out. :D
Good luck