Rebelprettyboy 14-Gal BioCuBE Pic DIAry!


Active Member
Moved the 5 gal today and going to move the 14 gal tonight!
Prolly will get started at like 9. Its alrdy 8 and wont finsih til about 12 I bet.
Oh well. Hope nothing dies if it does idc lol. Ill be out of town this weekend as well so hopefully no spikes while im gone!!


Active Member
Finally done with that move!
Hopefully I dont loose anything going out of town 2morrow so wont be able to check things out during the day,
So far since i put the fish in I havent seen anyone buy Onyx (Male Clownfish)
Hoping to see everyone before I leave out in the AM. Leaving at about 7.
Ill also check ammonia and Nitrates before I leave.
9pm-130am! Im exhausted!


Active Member
Just got back about 30 mins ago.
Tanks look good.
BOught while I was gone...
7 cerith Snails
5 Nassarius Snails
3 small blue leg crabs
3 Nertrite snails
1 black mexican Snail
1 crocea clam
1 prism favia
1 brain
Didnt wanna buy to much cuz im about to order some Halides!


Active Member
Well I coulda got the 70 watt sunpod for 100 used plus shipping but decided againsnt it cuz I wanted a Brand New Ficture...
So I went with the JBJ (Just Bought Junk) lol 70 watt fixture from the 2 docs. And then ordered a 20K Ushio bulb from the *********** for 57 shipped. So itll prolly be here after the new yrs...
Was gonna go with the 150 but that woulda been overkill on a 14 gal tank!
New pics later today maybe since I called in


Active Member
Originally Posted by SilverDak
where are the current pictures? i am gone for over a month, I expect some good pictures when I get back haha
lol WOOWWWW!!!
I know ive been slackin over here at this site. But im uploading some pics right now! And ill have em posted hre in a few hours


Active Member
after I posted I read about the paint incident.... these are after that? like after you cleaned them all up and re-stocked them?? I wouldn't have demanded pictures if i read it first lol
looks AMAZING tho!