New Member
225 gal tank that replaced wet bar so is 39" deep with lights in glass rack cabinet above and water filtration system cabinet below.
Lost 4 yr Tang, coral angel and others leaving 2 clown and 3 damsels so want to rebuild. After changing most water and emptying/cleaning large under cabinet filter that has multi-surface balls for bacteria growth have let tank circulate with 5 small fish to allow biological filter to re-establish. Want to supplement or change substrate before starting rebuild propcess. Crushed coral substrate is orignal;there is no sand and no live rock (can't get light to penetrate depth.) What is recommended substrate to use in fish only aqaurium? Also having increasing algae problems- going to try Phosphate elminator but assume new substrate will contribute eto improving that issue as well. Is that a good assumption or should I be 'fixing' something else?
Lost 4 yr Tang, coral angel and others leaving 2 clown and 3 damsels so want to rebuild. After changing most water and emptying/cleaning large under cabinet filter that has multi-surface balls for bacteria growth have let tank circulate with 5 small fish to allow biological filter to re-establish. Want to supplement or change substrate before starting rebuild propcess. Crushed coral substrate is orignal;there is no sand and no live rock (can't get light to penetrate depth.) What is recommended substrate to use in fish only aqaurium? Also having increasing algae problems- going to try Phosphate elminator but assume new substrate will contribute eto improving that issue as well. Is that a good assumption or should I be 'fixing' something else?