Received emails from a kicked off member


Active Member
Anyone else get these emails. I forget his forum name and probably shouldn't post it anyway. He emails me the same info in the beginning that he has experience blah blah blah and was kicked off SWF. Is it just me getting these emails?


Originally Posted by earlybird
Anyone else get these emails. I forget his forum name and probably shouldn't post it anyway. He emails me the same info in the beginning that he has experience blah blah blah and was kicked off SWF. Is it just me getting these emails?
I though the admin disabled email? There are ways around it? Man, I need to hang out with you guys more ...


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i've gotten emails from beaslebob (or similar). he's got some interesting views.

I've received emails from him also.


Active Member
Folks, this thread is fine so far, but I'm going to lock it. I just can't see it remaining positive. Sooner or later someone is going to say something that will set someone off and before you know it the forum will be full of angry aquarists wielding pitchforks and torches wanting to burn us poor Mods at the stake
Just a reminder to everyone:
*Mods do not ban people. That is solely the ability of SWF. We can
and do suggest Admin take a look at posters we feel need to get the boot.
*As Admin makes the decision, discussing banned members is forbidden.
*Many posts get deleted. A Thread may be locked for seemingly no apparent reason. Chances are this is because you don't see the deleted threads.
*Occasionally an employee from a competitor site will come to the forum here and post. When we detect that they are recruiting for their website, company, etc. they are excused immediately.
*Sometimes people go "postal". For whatever reason a normally familiar member has a bad day (comes under the influence of "happy juice", etc) and will post obscene, vulgar, absurd etc. At this point they get hit with the ban stick. Their threads will be deleted as soon as one of us sees them. So again, a member may suddenly "disappear without the average poster ever seeing what took place.
Please understand as Mods we take requesting bans very seriously. None of us want this forum to do anything but prosper. We want SWF to grow and this forum to become the pinnacle of information on the web. We do not ban because you disagree with one of us (as long as you do it respectfully.) A disrespectful poster (disrespectful to anyone) will be edited, (usually) warned and finally banished.
Hope that clears this up.


Active Member
i honestly dont see the point of locking this. the question was asked and answered.
Reno, because as I stated we don't allow discussions of banned members. Your above post names one of them...


Staff member
Here you see the problem with posting your email publically, or giving out your email. You end up getting bothered by banned members.