Receiving these today....


1 xOrangeback Basslet - 25% off!
1 xMidas Blenny
1 xCleaner Shrimp
1 xBangaii Cardinal - Aquacultured
1 xCleaner Clam
1 xNassarius Snail - Group of 10
1 xPink Tip Haitian Anemone - Half Price!
1 xCoral Banded Shrimp
2 xEmerald Crab
Could anyone give me acclimation times for each of these? The fish i can just go to their page... but what about the crabs/clams etc....?


Active Member
i would drip acclimate them all. fish i go three hours, shrimp should be a little longer for saftey, crabs and snails i would go about an 1-1.5 hours, clam not sure but 2-3 hours would be good i think...


The anemone you can temp acclimate for thirty min. or so and put it in.
The fish I would acclimate for 1 and a half hours
The crabs and shrimp 2 hours min. three is better
The snails need the most time 3 hours min.
Corals just need to temp acclimate
I would acclimate clams the same as snails. Slow and steady
Anything that you acclimate for a long period of time needs to make sure that the water does not get cold.
I use the turkey baster method, I like it and nothing ever gets cold floating in the tank.