Recent Brain Tumor- need to sell system


I have been recently diagnosed with a brain tumor and need to lessen my daily workload. I am therefore selling my entire 75 FOWLR and all equipment. Here is my list with asking price. This tank won Best Tank Without Corals on this website and has been running for almost 3 years. If you have any questions, send me an inquiry. I live in Doylestown, Pa. and can send pictures.
75 gallon Tank
30 Gallon sump tank
CDR Overflow
Corallife Super Skimmer
Inline Heater
Rena Filstar XP Filter
Rena heaters (2 50W, 1 150W)
Lift pump
Kent pro scrappers
Utility Pump
Tubing (appx 60’)
Gravel Vac
Powerhead $600
1 Flame Angel 3.5”
3 Clowns (up to 3 ½ inches)
3 Bangaii Cardinals
2 PJ Cardinals
1 Royal Dottyback
1 Yellow Tang 4”
1 Hippo Tang 5”
1 Mandarin Gobie
3 Green Chromis
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Fire Shrimp $450
175 Lbs mature
Live sand $1300
TOTAL $1900


New Member
Are you willing to ship some live rock to 72106? If so could you please let me know how much plus shipping for 50 lbs worth?
Thank you


If you part out and are willng to ship I'm interested in the yellow tang, mandarin, 3 chromis and both shrimp. Sorry to hear about you tumor. Hope things turn around for you very soon!


I'm sorry to hear this news. My cousin had the same thing about 3 years back. I wish u the best!!
If u ever plan to part it out I would be interested in the LR


Active Member
yikes! that's terrible. i work in feasterville, and although i can't take everything, i'll buy some stuff from you if you want to part out.


i had a Pituitary gland tumor it's located near the brain. I just want to wish you the best of luck. Hope to see you back soon...get well my friend.


New Member
I may be interested in the sump if you decide to sell some stuff seperate.
I had a brain tumor removed when I was 5, im now 21. I had it removed at Childrens Hospital in Philly by Dr. Sutton, he is a great guy and an even better doctor. Good luck and hopefully you'll get back into the hobby some day.
interested in the flame angel if you are willing tho sell seperatly and ship? pm me if so thanks P.S. hope you get well soon!


Thanks for all the replies. I would like to sell the entire system as is to lessen the load. The sytem has been up and running for appx 2 1/2 years. The fish are all healthy so I can not start selling the equipment piece by piece. If anyone is interested, please let me kmow.