recent photos of my 24G


New Member
here are some new photos. trying to learn how to use the new cam. suggestions/coments welcomed



Originally Posted by sea horse
WOW! Your tank is loaded with corals! Very nice! Are there any fish in there? :happyfish
I agree, any fish?


New Member
Thanks. Yeah not much room for growing! I have two fish - a percula and barnicle blenny.


New Member
Thanks! I dont have any photos of my fish. I guess Id better try to snap a shot of him hosting the frogspawn. My lights are stock Nano - 72 watts combo power compact 50/50 actinic and 12k white. I just wish I had more room to add more corals!!


xenia for some reason grows like weeds in my 12 gallon nano but not well in my 120 or 20 gal. lighting is suffecient and all levels are almost the same ........tempermental corals they are.


New Member
Originally Posted by partsman
xenia for some reason grows like weeds in my 12 gallon nano but not well in my 120 or 20 gal. lighting is suffecient and all levels are almost the same ........tempermental corals they are.

I agree my Xenia grow like crazy in this tank but dont do well at all in my other.


New Member
Originally Posted by StylingPaT
How much did you whole set up cost?
I dont recall how much i spent. I think the tank and stand was about $350 + all the LR/LS, then it just been slowly added pieces of coral every week. Id guess about a grand or so. Thanks for looking.


New Member
Originally Posted by SiNaLOa213
oh.....i love it

Thanks! Now lets just hope them damn Dodgers dont fall apart the 2nd half. Tough game last night...