Recent pics 72 bow


Very nice! What do you use for your substrate?
I see you are a dentist... is your tank at home or at work? (Finding Nemo flashbacks here, LOL!) I'd probably switch dentists if I got to look at that in the waiting room!!


Crushed coral, but it is overgrown with algae, can't stop it, yes phosphates are 0.0
It is at home in my basement. I only work on to thrus, it would be to hard to care for the other days.
I had the clowns before the movie, but had to get the hippo tang after we saw the movie.
All of the technical stuff about root canals in the movie is amzingly accurate!


lighting: pc's 2x10,000 nd 2x6,500. iwould like to add mh but am limited for space. The light that I have now is a Formosa deluxe hood. I only hve 8" of height and a total of 4' by 18". If i keep the Formosa there isn'y ANY room left!


That looks great!!! Bowfronts are just awesome!! I wish that I would have done that in the first place!

tru conch

Active Member
nice looking bowfront! my father is looking to get the same tank (72 bowfront predrilled) im trying to talk him into it.


I use Kent Coral-vite,Micro-vert, and phytoplex one capful each every other day and some liquid calcium once a week.
I was adding iodine too, but there is more iodine per capful in the coral vite then the iodine. I will add 2 capfuls of essential elements once a week just for the one or two things the coral vite does't have.
I would gladly accept any other recommendations!!