Recommend a good Wet/Dry Filter - Help


Can anyone recommend a good wet/dry filter to purchase for a 75 gallon FOWLR setup that I'm going to be purchasing.
Anyone have any experience with Proclear Aquatics.


Hey John you might not want to buy a wet-dry filter let me give u some reasons. With some of the fortunate, money, is not a option and thats cool but this is not a real money issue. You can make your own and it is very easy to do. That way u can customize it to your tank. You just have to do some research and ask some questions.
How much live rock are u planning to put in your 75 gal?


I'm not rich or anything but I figured a few hundred buck wasn't that big a deal when everything else in this hobby costs an arm and a leg.
I was thinking about 75 pounds of rock or so which is very costly in and of itself. Is more rock needed ??


75lb is enough. The more live rock u have the better your water will eventually be. I believe you will need a protein skimmer.
Do you plan on keeping your tank a FOWLR aquarium? Or do you eventually want to upgrade to some low light corals?
If you are planning to keep it a FOWLR then a wet dry system is fine with a protein skimmer. If you are planning to try to keep some corals down the road then you will need more. You will need a refugium. It would also be good for just a FOWLR.
You can look at the price of the wet-dry system which is nice but not optimal. Now go find a 30gal tank it will probally be 90-100 bucks. If you can compare the room in a 30gal tank compared to the room in the wet dry you are looking at. You have alot more room to add a refugium or get a bigger skimmer.