Recommend an anemone please


I'm searching for a good anemone with bright colors for two black clownfish to host. I have a 150w MH on my 75g and may/may not add another.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
How long has the tank been set-up?
~ 1 year 2 months; current stock is a dwarf lionfish, CB shrimp, purple reef lobster, green zoo's, and what remains of my initial cleanup crew. I also do not have a fuge but I do keep a patch of macro algae growing in the display tank.
I would like to add 2 black clowns with an anemone.


Thanks for your replies lion crazz. Black and white percula's are the specific fish I was looking at. I wasn't even aware there are other black clowns. :thinking:


Active Member
Carpets, saddles, and ritteri's are the three anemones which will host a percula clown.
I would go for the carpet as being the nicest. Ritteri's are difficult to care for.
I would consider maybe adding an additional, supplemental light to your tank, as well.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Carpets, saddles, and ritteri's are the three anemones which will host a percula clown.
I would go for the carpet as being the nicest. Ritteri's are difficult to care for.
I would consider maybe adding an additional, supplemental light to your tank, as well.
Do you think the anemone will be content short term with the single 150 MH? The tank is ~20" deep. Though I would love to be able to provide another 150, right now after purchasing the two fish and carpet anemone, it would be a few months before I could afford.


New Member
I have a 46 gallon bow front with a 150W power compact and my anemones are doing really well. I do notice that my saddleback carpet anemone tends to move to the strongest lighted areas. The reason I'm telling you this is because I have two black perculas and they absolutely LOVE my saddleback carpet anemone.