Recommendation for an office nano.


I would like to suggest to my gf that she get me a nano tank for my office at work. Something really small like 12 gallon or so. What is a decent off the shelf option in this area?


Active Member
The 12 gal are nice. I have a 12 gal JBJ Nano Cube. I haven't had any problems with it. I haven't been on the boards for a while and I've noticed they have different kinds of nano cubes, almost makes mine look out dated. With the stock lighting you can keep several different types of corral and a couple fish. They are look nice and neat, nothing showing like filters or heaters or anything. Look around and see what you like.
Good luck.


Active Member

I meant to show you a pic of my 12 gal. (it's an old pic), but it will give you an idea of what you can do with a 12 gal with stock lighting.