Originally Posted by Birdy
Take the shrimp out...
With nitrites at 3.0 you skipped the ammonia stage because you have good quality LR and LS with lots of good bacteria.
Not a whole lot you can do right now but wait, you can do a couple small 10% water changes over a few days to see if the nitrites will drop a bit, but right now you are waiting for the good bacteria to multiply to handle your bioload.
A temp at 80 is perfect, you don't want it much lower or higher, if it is stable at 80 during the day and night that is great, but if the temp drops at night then you will want to keep a heater in the tank and set it at 79 or so, you don't want a temp change of more than 2 degrees at anytime.
I usually do not like glass covers on a tank, evaporation is a good thing for saltwater tank, means you are getting a good exchange of gasses in the tank. And yes it will drop the temps, so you will probably need your heater if you take them off. Keep the temp at 80 degrees.
Birdy, Thanks so much for the advice. I'm going to take the shrimp out tonight when I get home from work.
The cover is split up into three sections. The back third is plastic which holds the intake/output of the canister filter, the middle third is glass for the lighting (of which I'm only using half), and the front third is a glass door by which to add water, feed the fish, etc. Some of the fish I have considered purchasing are 'jumpers' and thought it would be a good idea to have a glass cover over 100% of the aquarium. I guess I could easily take off the front third door section before I purchase any livestock and see if that will help regulate the temperature.