recommendations:Cleanup crew for 50gal.


I would need to know how old is your tank, water parameters and what equipment do you have in it before recomending anything. But this should give you an idea. I put about 20 blue legged hermit crabbs, a couple of mexican turbo snails and a sand sifting star in my 37 gallon after it cycled.


Active Member
Id get scarlett hermits, some peppermint shrimp, a conch, bunch or nassarius, cerith, and turbo snails. Id skip the star cause it will deplete your infauna in no time. The amount of these things will be up to you.


They say you should have one 'cleaner' per gallon.
Here's my suggestion:
1 Brittle Star
3 Peppermint Shrimp
5-6 Nassarius Snails (they bury themselves in the sand and come out when they sense food. they're fast movers too)
5 Nerite Snails (they're good 'glass suckers' and are cool looking)
3 Bumble Bee Snails (the only snails I know that will 'school' together)
10 Zebra Hermits
15 Red Leg Hermits (avoid the Blue Leg, they fight too much and can kill your snails for their shells)
2 Emerald Crab
1 Horseshoe Crab (he does a great job at cleaning the sand and he very entertaining to watch)
1 Flame Scallop
I would suggest avoid using Turbo snails because they tend to only do well in well-established tanks. I guess you can try putting one in and see how he does.