recommendations for feeding anthias

My bicolor anthias appears to have gotten to be a very picky eater. The first couple of months, it would eat whatever I fed the tank. Now, when I feed, it will always run to the food; however, more often than not, it does not appear to be eating anything. Any suggestions? Are there any foods particularly well suited to anthias?


Active Member
Feed often w/ meaty foods. They will not survive if not fed often. I ha 2 a long time ago and both stopped eating. I've had no luck w/ them. I hope you have better luck.


I must have been lucky with my Anthias. It ate everything and anything from shrimp to pellet food. Unfortunately I lost the fish during a 17 hour power outage. That will not happen again as I now have generator backup with one line going soley to the aquarium. Flip a switch and relax. Good luck with your fish!


Mine seems to gobble frozen brine shrimp like crazy! So far that seems to be his favorite. He will eat flake but not crazy about it.


I used to have a sunburst anthias that would eat everything and anything and now I have a bartlett's anthias that will eat almost anything but is a bit shy, it doesn't like to compete with the other fish for food, but once the feeding frenzy has died down it will eat anything we feed it.
I have a silly question. This morning, I noticed a large poop coming out of the anthias. Is it safe to assume it is eating?


He said poop. huh huh huh huh
all kidding aside, i fed my Lyretail Anthias Frozen Mysis, Brine, Marine Cuisine and oddly enough they liked Formula One. NEver could get them on flake though, just make sure you feed them at least twice a day and soak food in selcon or zoe for added nutrition.
keep the Banggai's. I love them too but unfortunately could never get mine to eat anything but live brine and they'd slowly wither away to the big fish tank in the sky. :(