recommendations needed please


Active Member
ok, so i have a 75 tall oceanic, in which i have a ton of red shrooms that i have been fraggin... i also have a zoo, (orange and blue which doesn't really do well cause of lighting) :cheer:
the lighting has been stock... i'm now ready to upgrade just to keep shrooms, soft corals, zoo's poylps whatever..... the problem is, i want to be able to keep the glass to and just add the lighting unit (placing it directly on top of the glass... Is this doable? any dangers to this????? :notsure:
thanx for the help, and please recommend a lighting unit that would be best for me (by the way my mushrooms have done amazing under the stock light!)
thanx for any help!!!!!!!!!!!!! :help:


Active Member
Just grab a cheapy Compact Flouresent from the classifieds. no prob with running a dual compact right over the top. Should be fine for great Zoa and Mushroom growth.
48" dual PC, or even run 2 end-to-end of 24" dual 65w(saves on shipping quite a bit if buying them from classifides when they are shorter) total wattage would be 65x4=260w you will have a sea of zoa's without a wallet that is screaming in agony.


Active Member
Originally Posted by drea
ok, so i have a 75 tall oceanic, in which i have a ton of red shrooms that i have been fraggin... i also have a zoo, (orange and blue which doesn't really do well cause of lighting) :cheer:
the lighting has been stock... i'm now ready to upgrade just to keep shrooms, soft corals, zoo's poylps whatever..... the problem is, i want to be able to keep the glass to and just add the lighting unit (placing it directly on top of the glass... Is this doable? any dangers to this????? :notsure:
thanx for the help, and please recommend a lighting unit that would be best for me (by the way my mushrooms have done amazing under the stock light!)
thanx for any help!!!!!!!!!!!!! :help:
Upgrade to a nice PC unit from Current or Coralife. I personally like Current. I think they make great units. You can find decent deals online for either one. If you want to keep the glass tops then i wouldn't get metal halides. You will have bad heat issues. I also wouldn't recommend placing any lighting directly on top of the glass. You can run the risk of breaking the glass from the heat output. I have seen it happen. These units have mounting legs you can use to raise it up a few inches.


Active Member
well, for a little over $200 i can get t5's, so can i run that w/o messing up my shrooms? is that too much light? i figure this way i can have a lot more to choose from...... i think the t5's have 2 bulbs and the night time one, hahha. as u can tell i don't know much about lighting...
also, if i buy a t5 unit, are theere units which are horrible that i should avoid?
thanx again! :happyfish


Active Member
i bought a nova extreme, and i use the rubber spacers, i put it right over the glass top, so far, so good!


Active Member
Good luck with the new lights Andre! Those red shrooms are cranking along. They are about double the size of when you gave them to me!


Active Member
sick, i'm glad to hear that, i'm getting in a entire bunch of diff colored ones this week!